Taxi from Interlaken to Milan
Interlaken to or from Milan transfer with Traserbas is the most comfortable way to travel between this two cities. The driving time by car is 3 hour and 35 minutes for the distance of 294 kilometers. Traserbas offers private transportation from Interlaken to Milan and of course from Milan to Interlaken for the same rate. You can decide if you want to travel by train or by private Interlaken car service with a limo, sedan, van/ minivan or minibus, we offer with our Interlaken car service a point to point transfer, that means we pick you up wherever you want and drop you off at any desired location from one city to the other city, that can be the airport, train station, hotel, apartment or simply any other location. For Interlaken to Milan or Milan to Interlaken you can add also 1, 2 or more hours for sights along the way, for this offer scroll below to sights along the way.