Traveling between Zurich to St. Moritz has become very popular. However, the question that arises in everybody’s mind is how to travel from Zurich airport to St. Moritz? You don’t have to worry anymore, as we will provide you with multiple ways you may use it.
Zurich Airport to Zurich
Traveling from Zurich Airport to Zurich is essential if you want to go to St. Moritz via train. The Zurich Airport is about 8KM away from Zurich. Because of the inevitability of this travel, this road is very busy. Thus, you can find several transportations to travel from Zurich Airport to Zurich.
The distance from Zurich to Zurich Airport is 8 Km. There are about 195 trains available and the bookings start at €8.80 when booked in advance. You can book the tickets from online platforms. The departure station for this journey is Zurich Hb.
Car rental from Zurich Airport to St. Moritz
After reaching the Zurich Airport, you can find multiple options to travel from Zurich Airport to St. Moritz. One of the options is to rent a car and reach your destination. For booking a car, you can check out different car rental services, available online.
Traveling by car is one of the fastest ways to reach St. Mortiz. Thus, It takes merely 2 hours and 35 minutes to reach. The cost of car rental from Zurich Airport to St. Mortiz varies from $28-$40. Moreover, in the time of Covid, traveling by car is the safest way of travel as well. It not only helps you reach the destination in the minimum possible time but also helps you maintain social distancing. It is an ideal mode of transportation, especially during the winter in St. Moritz when many travelers seek a safer and more private travel option.
Zurich Airport to St. Moritz by Train
One of the most popular ways to travel from Zurich Aiport to St. Mortiz is by traveling via train. It, normally, takes around 4 hours to reach Zurich Airport to St. Mortiz by train. The distance from Zurich Aiport to St. Mortiz via train is 89 miles. Gladly, One can find the number of trains going from Zurich Airport to St. Mortiz now and then.
However, the time required to reach St. Mortiz is not fixed as some trains take you to the destination in less time. For example, the shortest time required to reach St. Mortiz is about 3 hours and 21 minutes. Furthermore, this should be kept in mind that there is no direct train available that goes directly to Zurich Airport to St. Mortiz. It requires at least one change.
The very first train from Zurich Aiport to St. Mortiz leaves at 00:30. Howbeit, the time may vary during the holidays and weekends.
Taxi from Zurich to St. Mortiz
One option to travel from Zurich to St. Mortiz is by private taxi. There are many local and online platforms where you can find private taxis and book one for your journey. Some of the online platforms with good customer feedbacks include Traserbas and Zurich car services.
The distance from Zurich to St. Mortiz is 204 Km. The time required to reach St. Mortiz from Zurich via taxi takes around 2 hours and 50 minutes. Furthermore, private taxis are available in different capacities.
You can choose Sedan or Estate car if the number of passengers is at max 3. In the same way, you can select Minivans and Minibuses if the required capacity is 7 or 8 respectively.
Traveling by Taxi is a great option as the service providers offer you an option to pick you up from your desired location. You can book a private taxi in advance, and that is free. Moreover, they do not add any charges for waiting or cancellation.
When in St. Moritz, consider exploring the city and its beautiful surroundings by taxi for St. Moritz sightseeing, and you can easily access various hotels in St. Moritz to enhance your stay.
Adrian Mueller
Adrian Mueller, a writer at Traserbas, specializes in capturing the distinct charm of Switzerland. Combining his passion for cars with his deep appreciation for Switzerland, he seamlessly intertwines the two to provide readers with a captivating viewpoint. Adrian finds immense joy in sharing his expertise about Switzerland